Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A little Something Different

I love the fog - did I ever mention that?  And the light in the fog (sigh) I just love it.
I have two amazing shots in my head that I am going to execute on the next foggy morning ...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

L&B - Preview

Wedding Season is back and spring is coming on strong! I love this time of year. More to come later as well as some great DC pictures ...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It just gets better ...

So, I was happy about the snow fall on Sunday, but what I didn't know is that Monday morning would be even better. I woke up to this! I love the look of snow before any salt has turned it to brown or green.
It is so peaceful. And ... now that is has "officially" snowed this winter, I am ready for spring to come. Especially the cherry blossoms - and I should only have to wait a couple of weeks!
As crazy as it seems, it is true.
This past Tuesday it was about 28 degrees and on Saturday it is supposed to be in the high 60s.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Singing in the Snow

This morning I went for a walk while it was snowing ... it made me happy.
It has only snowed twice this year.
I think it is beautifully peaceful.
These are just a few pictures I took with my point and shoot on my route.