Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day Trip with Stanley

Flat Stanley came for a visit to DC.  My niece sent him out for an adventure.
We had a lot of fun and met two other Stanleys - one from Kentucky and one from Minnesota.

Monday, February 2, 2009

One more from WY

In the picture below there are over 10 mountain goats.  Can you see them?

If you couldn't pick them out - here is one closer.  These mountain goats spend their winter in the mountains about 15 minutes from my house.  They are usually quite high up on the mountains, but this time they were down low - and there were a lot of them.

And the picture below is a picture of a Mountain Sheep (not to be mistaken with the mountain sheep above - two very different animals).  

And of course there are a lot of Elk that spend the winter in the protected feed grounds in both Star Valley and Jackson.  They are such large beautiful unique animals.