Monday, October 20, 2008

As Seen ... From the Car Window

A few pictures taken from my car window (since it was a road trip!).  As you can see the colors are simply amazing.  The last pictures is a combination of huge pumpkins that were along the street of this little town during their fall festival.  Next posting  will be the lighthouse portion of the trip...


Unknown said...

So proud that those were taken from my car window! It was a magical weekend and you never cease to amaze me with your ability to catch the magic in photos - it went way to quickly.

Rob, Adrienne, Sam, Ada and Tony said...

Wow. The colors on the East coast are amazing! Thanks for the pumpkin ideas too.

janers said...

I LOVE the Fall Colors. I need to come back east one of these falls! AHHH so great. ;)