What inspires you?
What lifts your spirits when you are down?
What gives you joy?
I will be drawing 3 random winners to receive a free print from me.
You will get to choose from several of my fine art prints (I will post pictures on Monday).
How do you win?
It is easy - post a comment on my blog telling me what inspires you.
You must post your comments by Sunday, March 7th at 11:59pm EST.
I can't wait to hear what inspires you.
Beautiful things inspire me always. :) But honestly, lately, my little girl inspires me. Her favorite word is "happy" and she says it all day long. It is a sweet little reminder to me to BE happy and to do things to help her be happy too.
I love your photography - you are so talented!
The sun after a rainstorm. Tiny raindrops that magnify the details below. The warmth of the sun, & the smell of a clean earth. I'm inspired to live each moment, enjoy the beauty. Life moves so fast, it's always great to take a slower path & enjoy what surrounds us.
These may be a little cliche, but they are still true.
1 - Beautiful music and lyrics
2 - The temple
3 - Love, of all kinds
People who get past the dreaming stage and actually do the things they dream about.
I'm reading 'Three Cups of Tea' right now. Amazing what that man has accomplished while so many of us just "wish" we could help.
The change of seasons always seems to inspire me to go out and seize the day!
My Family is the most inspiring thing to me!!! Each one is so unique, and happy, and they know who they are! They always have a listening ear and tell you how it is. They have an unconditional love that is so strong and steady. They are constantly striving to be better people and they are constantly inspiring me to be a better person everyday!!!
The mountains and the ocean. And good people. And beautiful weather. And so much more...
I had to think about this one a bit. There are many. I am inspired by nature, specifically finding beauty in things that people don't normally see. I am also inspired by music, it lifts me when I'm down and it also keeps me flying high in good times. I am also inspired by talented people, they inspire me to be and do better. I am also inspired by good friends...the type that will always be there and give you tough love when you need it and laugh with you all the time. There are many more but those are a few. :)
Friends who are wary or kind or conscious enough to grow along with me.
Words, experiences or stories of those long past gone that give me understanding of my own life.
Wow, interesting and thought provoking question. I feel blessed because I feel like there are so many things in my life that inspire and give me joy. The number one thing that gives me joy and inspires me is my children. I love seeing them learn and grow. With every new experience their individual personalities become more and more apparent. I love that! They make me want to be a better person and I never feel downhearted when I think that I can be with them forever.
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